New plans

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”If you like to see an animated screenshot of the windflow, go to,-2.12,1013″ type=”image” alt=”Screenshot 2014-10-21 12.23.04.png” ]


I am back to “my” room in Sao Luis, feeling a slight bit stupid…

The trip back went well, the same driver from Primeira Cruz came out to my beach, this time with a smaller 4-wheel drive car, picked up my gear and me and drove me quickly back to Primeira Cruz’s ferry terminal to catch a boat back to Humberto de Campo. This time I didn’t feel like a hero arriving there, although the locals treated me with respect while waiting for Jadiel and the guys on the plaza of the village. I don’t think they understood my puzzling trip plans and ways…

A big thanks to Jadiel and Lucas having organized so quickly my return trip, and once more driving through the night to pick me from somewhere. A great crew and great friends! I was back in my bed at 2.30 am, but couldn’t really sleep instantly.
I surely had to check all your kind and well-meant comments and the map ahead. Thanks to all my blog readers to support me so nicely mentally and for your understanding of decisions one can only follow having been there and done it.

On the beach and on the way back, I thought only about the “radical method” to cover this frightening section, meaning skipping this part and starting over again from Recife.

Now being back online and on the topographical and forecast maps, I am considering different options, including paddling at least some part in reverse. It would require some (expensive) logistics, and I am not sure yet what to do, but will update soon! I am sure my great Sao Luis friends will help once more…

If I try to analyze my unexpected stop now, it was maybe 60% the continuously too strong headwind, 20% the scary surf, 10% the general sea state in this wind, and maybe 5% the terrible heat and 5% the feeling like a newbie coming out of a long break, being untrained and fat.

I may be able to have a much better start over by really considering to paddle some of this ugly part in reverse, starting with lower surf and wind scetions, and working my way back to tougher areas as long as I still feel safe and make a reasonable distance per day. And then, I may find myself once more back in Sao Luis??? I am working on the maps to see what makes sense, and will have to talk to my friends at night when they are back from work about the possible and reasonable logistics. Nothing is decided or fixed yet…I’ll keep you updated!


10 comments on “New plans

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I’m so glad you’ve found a way to still do that section, the decision to leave it out must have been so hard and painful, after coming so far and battling through so much. Safety is the prime concern though.

You are strong and resourceful in a way most of us can only dream of being, and I have no fears for you, you have been able to draw away from what you wanted to do to go with that gut feeling that said it was not right, and your reverse journey will go well.

Frances Price

Whatever your decision, Freya, we certainly are with you. It is YOU out there in those conditions, rather than any of us. Although I do applaud your successes in reaching your goals, my personal enjoyment in your voyages comes with reading this blog. After a long day of teaching, I find great enjoyment in the wonderful images you paint with your words. I thank you for sharing it with us, no matter where you chose to paddle.

Glenn Wilkes

Hi Freya,
Circumnavigation means you go around. It doesn’t necessarily specify you have to go either clockwise or anti-clockwise, the same way it doesn’t mean you can’t take a break when you need it. Do whatever is sensible and what you need to do. Anyone who wants to split hairs about direction, or continuous, or whether some island is technically part of South America needs to get a life.

Richard Hayes

Good to hear from you that things are now OK – you just have to trust your own judgement…and take care out there!

Edda Post author

Starting this nasty section from the back in reverse seems like a sensible idea. As and when it gets too dangerous, you can break it off at the point.
Good luck wherever you are heading.


Freya, Du und zu dick?? 🙂 🙂 🙂

Deine Entscheidung, egal welche, wird die Richtige sein. Alle können gute ( oder weniger gute) Ratschläge geben, aber sich wirklich in die Situation zu versetzen kann wohl kaum einer. Das was Du leistest, und bisher geleistet hast, verdient den grössten Respekt. Ich bin mir sicher, dass Du weiterhin die richtigen Entscheidungen treffen wirst. Wichtig ist aber auch, dass Du auf Dich aufpasst und nicht unnötige Risiken eingehst.

Also Freya nicht traurig sein, Kopf hoch und weiter geht es 🙂

Randall Lackey

We are seeing well that you,as myself, I like to think have grown wise enough with our years,I’m 51 by the way,to realize its far better to plan ahead for such a huge undertaking than just to jump right in and face what nature throws at you.I personally think it is time to proceed on to Recife and continue on with your last leg of the circumnavigation,though I’m sure that upon completion of the trip,at least yourself will feel a bit like you hadn’t really completed the Journey.This you’ll just have to explain, for the records and if you want to truly complete it report to the press and public your reasons and intentions of returning to complete what you didn’t.I see you’re truly smart enough to figure out whats best for you,and thats what really important and will get it done.Safe travels,until I can wish you safe paddling again. Randall

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