Day 108, Tuesday, 05.05.2009

I’ll be off again tomorrow!!!

Healed and recovered more than enough…

It’s a 15-days paddle up to Darwin. 

I may arrive on the 20th.


Yesterday was marathon typing – from 6am to 10pm I was updating my blog with all the knowledge and pitures I gained the last days…


Would I do this crossing again with all this experience?

The answer is a clear “YES” – if something (or someone with LOTS of money…) would motivate to do it…it is short enough to not get in extreme sleep deprivation or pain, but long enough to be to these days the only one on earth existing who has done it in a solo kayak…I am definitively not tempted to do longer ones like the Atlantic or Tasman Sea, as I still like to be existing for quite a while on this earth!!!

But it would be quite interesting to do it “better” – faster and with less sores – next time…but bet there won’t be a next time, as there are so many other interesting stretches of water to paddle on this world!


I will need to get ready with my gear and such today, I may launch tomorrow…TTYS!

5 comments on “Day 108, Tuesday, 05.05.2009


Congratulations for a successful brave crossing.
Wish you a successful and safe adventure till the end.
Our ladies ( and gentlemen ) of the Optimist club admire you.
And yes- Although I like your tan, don’t expose yourself too much in the Australian sun- the Ozon layer there is not thick like in Germany

Charles Rue

Tuesday evening Allan Cross and I sat down with Freya and assisted her to plan her course and stopovers to Darwin. She does not have good condtions to start with as it is still raining and there is a high wind warning as of 11.00am last night for 20 to 30 knot South Easterly winds and seas up to 3 metres.

At 6.40 CST we members of Gove Surf Club wished Freya well and put her back on the Water from Gove Surf Club she was in good spirits and in good physical health. Sea condtions although rough were not as bad as expected. She needs to use the tide running out of Gove Harbour and the strong south easterly winds to get to Cape Wilberforce at the turn of the tide just after midday. The waters become very treacherous once the tide starts running back under the swells. She should achieve this and then she will be in predominatly protected waters for the next couple of days with the wind at her back.

Jörg Hofferbert

Hallo Freya,

ich glaube, Du schaffst es ein Idol für mich zu werden. Oskar Speck ist Eines für mich, Du wirst ein Ebensolches für mich werden, weil ich Dir ganz fest die Daumen drücke und an Dich glaube.
Und ich wäre stolz auf ein Autogramm von Dir (auch mit 52 J.) !!!

Weiterhin viel Power wünscht Dir


Bob Creek

Freya – my friends Youngy and Casper (he is a sport and recreational officer and she is a policewomwn) currently live on Elcho Island – Galuwinku (I understand you will be staying there). Youngy has Kayaked from Gove to Darwin and Darwin to Broome. They may be able to provide you with some advice on the trip and exchange stories. They live on a catamaran achored in the town bay. I will ask them to look out for you. See you in Darwin – Bob Creek

Inge Hartley

Freya, Hals und Beinbruch, machs gut, denke viel an Deine
grosse Tapferkeit und Staerke, Du wirst es schon schaffen.
Viele liebe Gruesse von Slade Point, Inge

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