Day 117, Thursday, 14.05.2009

Message via satellite phone.

11.21 132.55 De Courcy Head  60km 7 to 5.5 found a petrified penis, 3 m high! A touch too much for now, though desperate…


From my last campsite on the Macquarie Strait I cut across Aurari Bay to Brodgen and Gningarg Point. This was the easy part of the day, though tide against wind again…

I knew the whole eastern side of that area had quite some cliffs, and the few beaches were surfy and with dumpers…what was the choice? I could paddle surely into the night to get around the top for a safe landing, but I’m not really keen to paddle around racy headlands at night, not knowing how the landing would be.

The cliffs were really beautiful, quite high with about 70 m or so and stunning. The backwash was moderate, but still the roughest paddle since the BIG crossing of the Gulf. It gave me some thoughts about the upcoming three sets of cliffs with no landing for 160-180 km….but they are later on the trip.

After Gningarg Point I followed the coast instead of cutting across the next bay as usual. I needed to see what the beach landing would be like. And actually, right on the first edge of a high sand dune area the landing was pretty sheltered. It would have been easy to go in, but it was 4.30 pm only, 55 km covered, simply too early to land. 1 1/2 hr of daylight left, so I gave it a go to paddle to the last beach on the eastern side until last light, 60 km, thinking the landing would be probably a surf landing, but it can’t be that bad…

It got a challenging nice paddle over that hour, as the swell was lifting quite a bit as the water got shallow upfront the dunes and beaches. But it still looked ok for landing, not worse than anything I handled already with no problems on the East Coast way further south.

On the very last sanddune around the last spit in a bit of a recessed bay with a bit more quiet water I eventually decided it’s time to go in now, although De Courcy Head was only 4,5 km away. But this was not really a sheltered beach already, to find fully quiet water I would have to go around Cape Cockburn. There was supposed to be an “ok” beach on the north end of the spit, but landing there in darkness…so I went in through quite some surf, but I timed it allright and didn’t get a drop of water in my face.

I reckoned it can be only easier and more calm next morning…

I spotted already this interesting shaped rock from the distance, and this was another reason to go in on THAT beach NOW – I needed to take a picture and a closer look! It was really an outstanding specimen of penis-shaped rock! Even with some balls and (water) hair…or what would you think??? Don’t tell me I’m just needy and have hallucinations…

6 comments on “Day 117, Thursday, 14.05.2009


See what happens when a container load of Viagra falls off the deck of a ship. Your log makes great reading ! Keep up the good work.

George Cameron

And they say, “Things are always bigger in Texas.” Well, I guess you’ve proved them wrong. LOL!

Keep up the great paddling. You ARE doing it. You WILL succeed!

Greetings from California,


regina stahl

hallo freya,verfolge deine tour aus der nähe von capstadt,bin total happy über deinen mut und deine ausdauer.habe aus der heimatzeitung,die ich hier her bestelle,über dich und deine tour gelesen,heute auch wieder und wollte nun mal deine seite sehen und dich.wenn ich 2011 zurück bin komm ich mal nach husum,ist ja dich bei.bin aus neumünster.wir drücken dir weiterhin die daumen und glauben sowieso daran das du es schaffst.fühl dich umarmt,gina.

No Freya thats just me, I was working on my tan in the nude sorry hehehehehe, Wow your doing so great just about half way there, Hey how about some pictures of you, We want to see more of you Freya, Keep paddling be safe and have fun, Love from the US. Warren Threehawks

Seems there is a sign of life on that remote stretch of water.

Or maybe you have to switch to archeology and did you find the lost giant of Australia. The legs will be under the water and the torso…well start digging maybe you will find the answer.
It can also be that the statue is acting as a timeteller, the sun and the statue will give you the time..maybe time for reflection about the trip and your state of mind! Still some miles to go…so it can do no harm.

Paddle to the metal!

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