Day 150, Tuesday, 16.06.2009


I was passing Krait Bay, and saw two small sailing yachts anchoring in there…another chance for fresh water resupply, but I didn’t need any…


Today the tide was not helping me much, it rather felt like it was breaking me down all day…strong beam winds messed up the sea, and it was quite a slog to pull on to my planned destination Capstan Island. I eventually made it in last light only to Wuwirriya Island, but almost…


This island had beautiful rock piles, but as I arrived late I didn’t had time to explore and even forgot to take pictures…but at least I decided to camp on top of one of those rock shelves…not the best decision, as a freestanding tent in strong wind hasn’t much to hold on to besides myself and my gear inside. But it was enough not to fly away…and with earplugs I was withstanding the noise as well.


My decision to camp high up there came from discovering quite some croc slides on the beach…old ones…or were they turtle slides? I still can’t really tell them apart…theses ones had a middle section which was narrower than the leg section…a turtle must be more fat?


I felt safe and happy camping up there, besides the wind bending my tent at night almost on my face…


Text message from Freya via satellite phone:

14.33 125.16 Wuwirriya Island.  70km,  6:00 am to 5:00 pm. Ugly quartering winds and rough seas in wonderful archipelago. Camp high on rocks above old croc slides.

2 comments on “Day 150, Tuesday, 16.06.2009

Peggy O

Freya, forget the boat and the deadline. What you’re doing is amazing and inspiring. Enjoy the moments and the journey, and the people and places you see along the way!

To put Freyas Kayak into perspective.. she has been paddling a EPIC 18x Sport performance model production boat (off the shelf) ..with some slight modifications…the plan has always been to exchange her kayak at some stage in the journey with a new EPIC 18x Expedition Kayak..specifically designed and modified for long haul voyages. Recent scrapes with some coral reefs have damaged the Kayak so the timing is right.

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