Day 202, Friday, 07.08.2009


I should have signed up for that – if they would do a “kayaker recovery massage” as well? And I wonder what the “other body treatments available” were all about??? Maybe they were for sexy male’s surfer’s bodies only…



I did well on taking off paddling today – the winds felt strong as forecasted and my body was sore as hell. Although the shore dumper seemed to be 40% lower than the previous night! But no worries, during the day the wind it came up again and the swell and th edumper size lifted quite a bit again!


I started typing a bit in my tent, until the sun warmed it up too much and my body wanted to be moved on a walk.



I decided to walk out to the point where the surfing guys found excellent conditions – for my idea HUGE, for some surfing guys idea average waves. They surfed inside a “wave tube”, which impressed my quite a bi! Well, I’m just a German girl…I’d reckon I’d see much more HUGE waves further down south. As long as *I* can avoid them…



I was chatting with a red-haired surfing guy named Ole – where did he come from? Kiel, my old home town…but his family emigrated as he was two years old.  He was still able to talk German, but we both felt more comfortable to keep the conversation going in English. For some reason I don’t like to speak German when I’m out of the country, it feel like interrupting my holiday!


I later checked out the local “supermarket” – well, actually more a kiosk with some campers items and – ice cream and smoothies! I had TWO delicious large smoothies and two bags of chips, the perfect off-paddling diet!


The lovely shop lady has already heard about me and my trip, and allowed me to plug in my computer and to sit on the table outside (with plenty of flies…) whilst keeping on typing! At least that chore is done – now I need to get internet access to post the crab!


I was climbing this time not a dune, but simply uphill and found at least cell-phone reception and e-mail on my Blackberry, but it wouldn’t let me recieving e-mails from my computer, the signal seemed to be too week.


Whilst I was sitting there on a rock, two families with two young kids each came up the beach from the night’s swim.

I was probably looking that lonely and needy that they invited me for dinner – actually, they saw my kayak down the beach and got to see a promo card I was passing to another chap, and were simply interested in my trip and in a good chat! Thanks for getting me a bit social and a good dinner feed!


They were touring around their country alreday for years, and raising and educating their kids via homeschooling. I wish I would have been able to do that with my son! But Germany is a bit limited in those possibilities…what a pity, I reckon those kids learn more on their trips than any other kids going to the same school every day.



I felt very comfortable amongst two HUGE camping vehicles, four friendly adults and four small kids! the youngest gentleman enjoyed to sit on my lap for quite a while, and I enjoyed feeling like a mom again! I’m missing my own boy!

But I should have kept their names, sorry, maybe if you read this post you can add them on a comment? Thanks for hosting me for that night for dinner! Delicious, fresh home cooked chicken curry and tuna dish!


Email message from Freya:

Didn’t feel like paddling today…bloody headwinds again and my body needed a FULL day’s rest. Typing updates almost all day, and I’ll see if and when I can post them.
Hopefully following winds tomorrow as forecast.