Day 327, Thursday, 10.12.2009

10 comments on “Day 327, Thursday, 10.12.2009

Maybe you will want to have some time for a gentle transition from your life with the sea to being back in the world full time. It would be understandable if the connection you’ve developed is one you want to keep.

I hope you’ll be able to transition on your own schedule.

We’re talking about after you finish, and you haven’t finished yet, but you know how we think ahead!

Safe wishes.


A welcome at Queenscliff 15th, reception in Melbourne 16th, another in Sydney 19th, flying home to Germany for Christmas…a big change from the solitude of the open sea; a kind of culture shock no doubt. How strange it will seem to be travelling through the air after 11 months on the water.

Look forward to being at Queenscliff for the historic occasion, hope to be among those who get to shake your hand. You have been inspiring to so many all around the world during your journey, who knows how many others will now dare to follow their dreams.


Congratulations on a truly heroic effort, worthy of a double VC and Australian of the year. When you’re back home contemplate how many Australians will have been inspired by your achievment


Hey Melon,

You can see by the Excel data under “Austalia”, then “Oz trip report”, then “trip dates table” (midway down) within this website, Freya’s last two stops are where Paul Caffyn’s stopped. It seems Freya is around 320 km from the end. Paul did it in 7 more days, including 2 days rest.

Paul did Port Fairy next at 82 km, then Warrnambool at 21 km, then rest, then Port Cambell at 55 km, then Kenneth River at 95 km, and finally Queenscliff (sp?) at 87 km.

Hope this helps.

Chuck H

Delighted to see that you are in Victoria, and no longer have those SA offshore paddling regulations as a concern. Just keep the Portland sharks at a respectful distance! Won’t be long now! GO FREYA, GO!

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