Day 54, Thursday, 12.03.2009

24.45 152.23 Bundaberg Harbour 85km 12hrs

I saw 3 fat turtles with yellow head.  Lots of rain all day, strong following winds. Seas from 1 m in Fraser Island shelter to 2-3m later. The sea became very ugly off Elliott Heads.

But the harbour entrance was easy, I’m on the north side, on Barubbra Island. I didn’t need the civilisation of the real harbour…

I will belLaunching on other side of the long harbour breakwater tomorrow, which I paddled along in last light to land on a remote sandy beach. Clever idea! That saves some detour and quite funny waves on the wall end 🙂

It’s raining and quite windy. I have to use earlplugs again to find some sleep. Not easy in a tent after 6 days in a dry and warm bed…

My backrest covered with Aquapac is perfect slippery when wet! My skin feels good after the 5-days rest and recovery.