Memorial plate at Ken’s house in Kalbarri

Ken Wilson, my host in Kalbarri (please see day 214 -220) and already the host of Paul Caffyn 27 years ago and the host of the team of three paddlers doing the cliffs in 2002 did a lovely beautiful job on putting up this memorial plate on his house! 

I was almost moved to tears when I saw these pictures…thanks, Ken! I’m sure your house will be a pilgrimage for all future kayakers passing by! Hope to see you on my arrival in Melbourne!


7 comments on “Memorial plate at Ken’s house in Kalbarri


Re: Regulations kayaks (not rowboats) in open water.
Sublimely ridiculous!

Fight the safety nazis!

Promote responsibility rather than regulation.

If you put others in harm’s way because of your incompetence or negligence, have an insurance plan to compensate them.

What to expect on the south coast? I just reread Paul Caffyn’s The Dreamtime Voyage- the only person to do the circumnavigation. It is a fearsome reach. The topography includes Baxter Cliffs (160 km); Nullarbour Cliffs (190 kms) and Coorong Beach (200 km). It was on this beach where Paul almost lost his life. At Hell’s Gate he went ashore OK but on launching he had to break out thorough terrible and seemingly endless breakers. He gave it his all in repeated attempts only to meet rollovers and struggles to get to shore with his upturned kayak. In his last try he capsized again and then got caught in a rip carrying him offshore. Now experiencing severe fatigue and the grim sense that failure here would be fatal, he managed through shear will power and grit to kick and fight his way to shore and hang onto his boat. This was a very chastening and demoralizing experience; he walked out and met up finally with his ground crew. He was able to continue later. The main point is that this is the most demanding and dangerous part of the trip. Powerful wind, waves and surf, long stretches without shore access and the fear and threat of guessing wrong on daytime and nighttime paddling. Freya needs our prayers.

Chuck H.

Great photos, with all the goodies: Ken Wilson’s bagpiper, a very nice plaque and five illustrious names. There’s even room for a second appearance by Terry in 2011!


A well equiped and operated sea kayak is far more sea worthy than any open boat of the same size, whether it has a motor or not.
In WA we are expected to also carry an anchor, I don’t and will fight that one in court if someone challenges me.
Go Freya, you will be out of SA before those regulators find out you were there.

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