Outdoor Retailer Daily Magazine

There were two nice entries in the OR daily about me and my talk:



For sure it’s a bit late now to write “news” about that show happening in early August, but I still like to thank the Outdoor Retailer show organizers the find me a slot on the paddle zone floor and some $$ helping to cover the expenses to present my talk about Australia. Though it was a tough talk as the paddle zone floor was located kind of in between the aisles, I was still happy to have had probably the most visitors on my talk compared to other presentations with almost no one listening due to the overload of other offering on the show.

Koaktat celebrated their 40th anniversary, and I was busy at their standparty at their booth signing my cards and magazines.

Besides, I did my round to thank all my sponsors and supporters of my OZ trip who were present at the OR show. It was good to talk to lot of companies again about how their equipment worked for me on the trip.

I was happy to get in personal touch again with Kokatat, Thule, Sea Kayaker Magaizine, Hilleberg, Northwater, Cascade Designs, Aquapac, ACR, Snapdragon, Cocoon, Native. Please see their logos and links on the left sidebar. They all have great reps and thanks again for your support!