Secret revealed…this is how it worked in Australia…

8 comments on “Secret revealed…this is how it worked in Australia…

Jörg Hofferbert

And what is the result of this connection, Freya ? A lot of plastic eggs 🙂


The word CROC might stand for Curious Rockish Ocean Creatures. Any other ideas why only a shark hit your kayak.

Take care, Freya!

Chuck H.

Gosh! I wonder if someone will rat you out to PETA.

In any case, you’ll have to explain how you got the croc to cooperate when you speak to us at Annapolis on June 26th.


It is absolutely scandalous and dishonest
First, you oblige this poor animal to swim with knocks of paddle p, second, all the glory is for you, While the crocodile cries all its tears….
Poor animal, what was the dinner every day for the champion?? because the true champion is not you!!! it’s King Crocodile!!!

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