First OZ slideshow in Israel

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Thank you, Karel, for sending me the weather messages on my sat-phone all those long eleven months of my OZ trip, plus previously already on my Iceland and New Zealand circumnavigation! It was invaluable and probably even life-saving at times! 

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I presented you my silver kayak I had on my neck all the way around Australia. You deserve it on yours now! Please keep it close!

Thanks, Karel! You are a great friend!

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Thanks, Omer and Saggi, to invite me to Israel! I enjoyed the country and it’s wonderful people! I’ll be back!

Thanks to everybody visiting my slideshow presentation!

7 comments on “First OZ slideshow in Israel


Hi Karel
Nice to SEE you. Thanks for all your updates and support during Freya’ S trip. Should you want to come to Reading, England sometime, feel free to use a standing invite to stay with us.

Hallo Freya,

ich fasse es nicht. Du bist schon wieder in der Welt unterwegs. Für all Deine Strapazen zuvor sollst Du nun reichlich Ernte einfahren, dies wünsche ich Dir.

Der aus Darmstadt


Hi Freya, während wir hier deinen Eissalon startklar machen, bist du schon mal in den richtigen Temperaturen. Geniesse die Sonne und Gastfreundschaft in Israel. Tolle Bilder! Freue mich auf mehr Info nächste Woche. Gruß Ilona und Udo

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