The Creation of the Underground Rolling Factory

The “crème de la crème” of Dutch sea kayaking in one pool – teaching the teachers in the night session

I was teaching in Holland last weekend – here are some links about it.
I would like to thank Hans Heupink, who invited me and did a great job on the organisation, and my co-teachers Gerard, Nico, Sien and Govert, as well as Axel, Tom and Dick helping out to “entertain” the students while not being supervised by me.

“Hands up” or he’ll kill you…Govert in danger…

Sien on the rescue…

I was glad that it seems as everybody liked it, and will be happy to show up again some times, then probably with a roofrack full of “Underground” rolling kayaks (I’ve got a big roof…)

Actually, the idea of the

“Underground Rolling Factory”

was born that weekend, as my partner Greg Stamer wasn’t able to show up, and I had to organize my teaching time for about 55 students that weekend… my co-teachers did a great job! Thanks again!

Hans and I having everything under contol 🙂

But – this week I’m extremely busy with re-opening my icecream-shops this Saturday, so the enrolling of that vision will be done on the next week’s post.

The “Underground Rolling Factory creating conference” in my van, with Gerard Joling, Axel Schoevers, Nico Middelkoop, Tom Steenbergen, Dick van Zanten, me and Hans Heupink taking the pic

1 comment on “The Creation of the Underground Rolling Factory

Ruud Legdeur

Thank you for the great clinic. Loved the demo you gave. I was attending at Sunday and was surprised how the, to me, new techniques worked out. And today we had our own monthly swimming pool kayak meeting and were having a lot of fun. I showed them what I have learned so far, we had a great time. This week I even made my own Greenland paddle. This is great! Thanks.

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