Fri 06/02-2015 Day 773

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”My happy escort crew out of Rio de Janeiro” type=”image” alt=”IMG_5069 B.jpg” ]


Highlights: Nice escort out of Rio!
Lowlights:Made camp in pouring rain
Launch: Harbor jetty
Landing:Low surf
Pos: here
Loc: Guaratiba headland
Acc: tent
Dist: 50,5 km
Start: 6:30 End: 17:15

This morning I got an honorable escort of five kayaks and seven people. Nice! Thanks for such a nice goodbye in th early morning out of your beautiful city!And thanks to all, especially to Flavia, for your logistical support, and to Rafael and Catarina to let me stay in their apartment.It was a great stay!

I slowly let the Sugar Cone, the pittoresque harbor, Christo, m yescort group, Copacabana and Ipanema behind me, all sites with huge mountains in the background. It kept on going with longer beaches with a mix of high rise apartment buildings and favela areas clinging to the steep mountains. Eventually at Barra da Tijuca, the apartments dominated the beach scenery, with an endless beach upfront.

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Copacabana with Christo” type=”image” alt=”IMG_1374.JPG” ]

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Christo and Cable Car to the Sugar Cone” type=”image” alt=”IMG_1372.JPG” ]

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”The Sugar Cone from an unexciting perspective” type=”image” alt=”IMG_1370.JPG” ]


I was shortcutting all the beaches aiming for the next headland, and about 3 km before a small beach I was heading to the regular evening thunderstorm started. Only thunder and later lightning, no storm, thank goodness. Just when I had unloaded fully under heavy thunder and flashes and started to put up tent, it begun to rain, and as heavy as usual in the evenings! I hurried with my tent, threw my bags under the fly and didn’t really care much now getting wet or not as I was wet anyway while I was stretching out the guy lines. Soaked to the bones through the clothing with fresh water was good anyway as there were a bunch of other weekend bush campers on this beach and I could save the shower. I just hadto mop up inside the tent!

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Who is living in such round tower with no real window?” type=”image” alt=”IMG_1383.JPG” ]

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”A huge rock plate forming a cave” type=”image” alt=”IMG_1382.JPG” ]

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Eventually some birds again…” type=”image” alt=”IMG_1381.JPG” ]


Tomorrow will be a long boring beach stretch after the headland I am camping. Really uninteresting! Yawn!

3 comments on “Fri 06/02-2015 Day 773

Randall Lackey

Glad to read you’re on your way again,good mileage today.Setting up camp in the rain bites,but at least you had only the rains and no gale force winds to report.Rest well. Safe Paddling.

Frances Price

Impressive that on your first day back out, you have traveled 50km! It is wonderful to live vicariously through your exploits, Freya. Thank you again for sharing this adventure with us.


They say the journey is more interesting than the destination.
Wow how fortunate you are to be doing what you are doing. All three factors have come together; interest, energy and finances. What a world to support your dream.

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