Mon 02/05-2013 Day 471

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”The locals may add to the ship wreck in the front a car wreck very soon…” type=”image” alt=”P5050005.JPG” ]


Pos: here
Loc: just outside Puerto Bolivar
Acc: house in mining company Cerrejón
Dist: 30 km
Start: 4:50 End: 11:00

All went smooth this morning – getting up 2.45 am, leaving with the boat at 3 45 am, starting paddling at 4.50 am. Low winds, smooth seas, turning to moderate head winds and a light chop. The cape was breezy, but calm. Nothing exciting, but a bit of an effort after six days off! The worst was getting back to my trip food again – I can’t stand my breakfast nor my available snacks any more…but I have to eat. The yummy food with a lot of change and choice in the mining canteen spoiled me the last days! Fortunately we stopped just across “home” and I could have another big lunch at the canteen. For dinner, I was still too full and rather went to bed already…

After 30 km at 11 am, I decided to stop, with wind now around 15 knots and some white caps coming up. 160 km are left to the boarder, and the forecast of the next days is easier than even today. So about 40 km each day or a little more, this will be doable!

And soon I’ll be in my real HOME again for a while!!! 🙂

3 comments on “Mon 02/05-2013 Day 471

liebe freya, haben eben deinen blog entdeckt und sind schwer beeindruckt. waehrend du kraeftig paddelst, sitzen wir bei kolumbianischen bier in guajira und lassen es uns gutgehen – vielleicht.kommst du ja sogar auf eines vorbei. alle wuerden sich riesig freuen! liebe gruesse bianca und tanja

hallo freya-toll was du da leistest!wir,3 schweizerinnen und 2 deutsche geniessen gerade die hervorragende gastgesellschaft in punta gallinas-hostel luz milla! ein sensationeller ort in der wueste columbiens: die herzlichen leute hier wuerden einen besuch von dir mit offnen armen begruessen und/oder hoffen dich an der kueste kraeftig vorbei paddeln zu sehen:) wir wuenschen dir alles gute, wenig muskelkater und tolle erfahrungen! paddle it up!


Hi Freya I have enjoyed your daily updates and will miss them when you return home. Have a safe journey and enjoy your time at home. I hope that you can make it to Michigan some time in the not too distant future and entertain us with the tales of your record breaking adventures.

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