Sat 08/10-2011 Day 40

The eastern headland of the northern bay of Peninsula Valdez

Pos: here
Loc: Golfo San José
Acc: tent
Dist: 0 km

No paddling today – a welcome weather break day. It was raining already since yesterday afternoon, I had to put up my tent in the rain, and it kept on raining until this afternoon – with more or less intensity. Plus an about 20 kn east wind, which added to the cozy feeling inside my dry and warm sleeping bag…

An old steam tractor or such rusting in the pampa???

I  really slept in until 10.30am! I needed to catch up with some rest, that’s for sure.     Felt good!

...was the lack of water the reason for all those bones?
...some more bones...

The day was spent with two short walks, in the morning I went in very light rain a bit north along the well used track to the lighthouse (good there was no one on the track today…), spotting several dry bone piles of different animals. I was always wondering which species was dying here…and why…and a “dead” old tractor was rotting along the way as well. An old well pool full of sand may be the reason for a probably abandoned attempt at farming.

This old well pool is fully sanded...

In the afternoon, on a dry hour of the day, after I spread out my dry suit on a bush to make it match it’s name again, I went west along the cliffs on eventually very low tide. It displayed a most beautiful rocky reef landscape besides the cliffs which was really impressive! Not a single fat blubber roll to be spotted on that very low tide – they are all “gone fishin’ ”  in deeper waters during the day! See if I’ll be getting some noisy groaning neighbors this night again…

Exposed reef on low tide

Regarding the tides here in the bay – though currently having no tide table my common sense and eye view told me there must be again a bay-typical diurnal tide system – why this nature effect happens I can’t tell at all. I thought already on my morning walk this must be low tide now – and in the afternoon there was almost no water in the bay any more! Ok…I could at least see the other shores now on a bit of a more lighter and dry hour of the day.

Some low tide rock formations

And I could spot my first whales again! Yesterday right before I paddled into the entrance, I spotted actually my first two since almost two weeks now! I’m looking forward to seeing more, paddling through the bays.

I obviously updated my blog, and could read my e-mails on my cell phone from a high dune! Getting close to civilization soon again…

Tomorrow I hope the wind goes down a bit and turns to the NE like forecast again, so that I can cut across the northern bay to a take out spot toward the southern bay.

Again Alejandro, my helpful local organizer, contacted some people to help me over the 7 km wide gap! Thanks, Ale! Hope the date will work out around lunchtime! You may contact Alejandro if you may be able to help in a different way on hauling me, my kayak and gear over.

It may look like two more days off then, until I finally can keep on paddling south, but we’ll see!

2 comments on “Sat 08/10-2011 Day 40

Edda Post author

Great Stuff! May be you can put the boat on a skateboard and push along the 7km land crossing, lol.
Not much you can do about nature reserves and the limits of your paddling permit. Too much of the wrong thing may get you yanked out of the water by the authorities and that would spoil the fun now, wouldn’t it…

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