Sat 17/03-2012 Day 201

The windy and sandy but beautiful camp at the river mouth

Pos: here
Loc: Isla Magdalena
Acc: tent
Dist: 45,8 km
Start: 8:30 End: 17:05

Another uneventful day, sorry…rainy wet start off my concrete platform with no winds and dead calm water, then dry with low clouds. At 10.30 am a light southerly friendly wind started and stopped and started with light chop…all together eventually friendly paddling. Sometimes close to the coast, sometimes crossings, really nothing special. Green mountains allover, enough beaches again, am I sounding boring? Maybe worn. Sure I could mention the seals and dolphins at play, the sea birds, penguins and many boats (5) around me. How exciting.

But I was eating all day, what wanted to fit into my body…so a lack of physical energy is not the case any more. No worries any more my food would last. Maybe my gas can will die the last few days, maybe not.

I heard the long term forecast says all next five days light to moderate southerly winds, good for progress. But maybe I’d wish to have now only *one* day with strongest headwinds and heavy rain to have an excuse to stay put…but as long as the weather is good, I’ll paddle at least 40+ km. In Puerto Montt I’ll have probably three days off to get everything organized for the final run to Valparaiso. Maybe the open sea and a few days of no paddling will give me some energy and motivation back. This flat water Fjordland *is* just boring on the long run, sorry…like paddling on a pool with endless green walls. Maybe I really enjoyed the run through the headwind waves yesterday where everybody would have stayed in town.

I’m camping on a wide river mouth on nice looking sand. But if I have the choice, next time I rather take that gravel beach a few hundred meters earlier. It is easier to keep the sand away where there is no sand.

Ok, if there is nothing to write, I will stop and get my mind a bit away with my book. Still on the ancient travel reports (around 1850) from Friedrich Gerstäcker. He had harder times than I had. Now I’m back in Australia…

5 comments on “Sat 17/03-2012 Day 201

Don Hebel

Dear Freya, Could be for an adventurous but calculating spirit as yours….the adventure is not enough to satisfy at present. Boredom is a constant enemy during your paddling days on a swimming pool with green walls…and to constantly invent challenges is tiring to your mind. One advantage you have is the innate drive to do more…maybe you need rest, but my guess is that is not what you need. Only you know, and I and I’m sure others with good words and thoughts for you have every confidence you will fight your way out of the paper bag of malaise and low spirits. Sometimes time is all it takes. But you likely will not wait. That’s not your style, little German girl…;))


Glad you’ve stocked up on fresh food. There’s nothing like it.

I remember the first holiday my (now) husband and I had touring Sweden and Norway. Due to cost, we took everything with us, first time we smuggled beer out of the country!
But after about 10 days of tin food I was getting really crabby and miserably tetchy.
That got sorted with a visit to the supermarket and some fresh meat and vegetable.
Ian said afterwards when he saw me digging out knife and fork each time we went past a cow, he realised something had to give, or I was going to attack the next one we’d be passing!
One bag full later, for which we paid what we’d pay for a trolley full at home, peace, love and harmony was restored.

So feed up, particularly when working hard, and the miles will fly by. Have a good rest in Puerto Montt, and it sounds as if Meike’s parents will look after you well. Enjoy getting pampered (if you’re lucky 😉 )

Won’t be long and you’ve done this section. Great guns girlie!!


Freya, ich glaube Du hast Heimweh. Du bist jetzt sehr lange unterwegs und schaffst Distanzen , die kein anderer schafft. Die Motivation aufrecht zu halten, jeden Tag auf neue ins Boot, die vielen Kilometer, zelten ( die ganze Logistik) ist eine ganz schön harte Arbeit. Ich glaube es ist so als hättest Du momentan genug davon. Ruhe Dich bitte in Montt richtig gut aus und vergesse für einen Moment Dein Vorhaben. Gebe Dir etwas Ruhe. Dann steigt die Laune und die Freude kommt zurück. Du bist für alle eine Inspiration und für mich ein grosses Vorbild. 🙂
Wir waren heute zum ersten mal wieder paddeln, nur 13 km ( und ich bin geschafft), aber schön war es
Kopf hoch und liebe Grüsse

moin, freya.
gerstäcker hat ja in seiner jugend viel den lederstrumpf oder daniel defoes robinson crusoe gelesen, bevor er dann später selbst zum schriftsteller wurde und seine abenteuer der nachwelt vermittelte. wenn du jetzt gefallen an seinen werken unterwegs hast, werden spätere generationen deine erinnerungen hoffentlich wertschätzen können. bleib so!


Hey Freya,
“To be conjoined with what you do not want is suffering. Not to be conjoined with what you want is suffering.” Just be with what the universe is presenting to you. Rest with it. Let the dissatisfied mind arise and pass away. It is impermanent. Constantly changing like the landscape however small. When we grasp on a view, emotion or even the view that we are a fixed inherent self we suffer. Have fun paddling watching the different arising.

You are doing great! What an adventure you are sharing with so many people. Just think of the joy you are spreading on the planet.

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