Sat 22/03-2014 Day 632

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Igor´s happy Marenteza kayak school in Belém” type=”image” alt=”P3220298.JPG” ]

Chores in Belem city
Pos: here
Loc: Punta Pesqueira
Acc: Gelderson’s and Priscilla’s apartment

We went for breakfast to a small cafe, and were supposed to meet a group of kayakers at 9 am. At the river, the group just came in from their morning paddle when we were arriving at 10 am. Perfect Brazilian timing! The group was the Marenteza kayak school of Igor, the friendly paddler joining us last night. People were obviously quite enthusiastic to meet me, instantly jumped on taking pictures with me, presenting paddles to sign and asked many questions. Thanks for your attention, paddlers! I patiently answered even more questions at the second breakfast of this morning and signed many cards, nice that Belem has so many active kayakers! There were supposed to be even more in other groups.

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”I thought I was in Belém and in *South* America?” type=”image” alt=”P3220300.JPG” ]

We were searching in vain for a better pair of sandals than I already bought in Soure, it seems that everyone is wearing flip flops here and no one good quality sport or water sandals. Strange…I eventually bought one pair of plastic shoes of some famous brand, just to have options to treat my sore feet well in the kayak, better to say to treat them so well they won’t get sore any more! On lunch in the mall restaurant I had a delicious shrimp salad, for dinner after my extensive food shopping in the largest supermarket in the city I had another smoked fish salad in a nice restaurant area in the old harbor area. Overall eating four times out today, I am getting spoiled!

In between, I eventually got a reasonable internet connection on Gelderson’s laptop in his office to update most of my website stuff, including the missing day 625 and pictures since Cayenne, but sorry I was not able to upload the ones from my stay here for technical reasons. Also not the tracks though yet, sorry, running out of time this morning to go back to Soure with the ferries. Gelderson and Priscilla will stay in Belem, a driver will pick me up on the other end and people in the hotel will look after me until I may launch again on Monday.

Thanks very much to Gelderson and Priscilla for looking after me so nicely!

3 comments on “Sat 22/03-2014 Day 632


Gut Besserung für den Fuss. Ich hoffe, es geht ihm etwas besser. Ich glaube, dass die beste Medizin “Luft und Ruhe ” ist. Ich kann mir Deine Qual gut vorstellen, der Fuss sieht ja schlimm aus. Freya ich hoffe, dass es bald leichter wird. Bewundern tun wir Dich alle. So einen eisernen Willen, jeden Tag mit sich kämpfen und sich antreiben zu müssen, da braucht man echt einen starken Willen. Wie Du es machst ist mir ein Rätsel.
Weiterhin alles Gute.Hier in DK fängt der Frühling an, waren heute etwas paddeln 🙂

Randall Lackey

You are getting spoiled,Ha!, new shoes and eating 4 vmeals a day. Good for deserve it.Emjoy your one more day off.Safe Paddling Monday

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