Sun 22/01-2012 Day 146

Just fill your bottle! Smaller and bigger fresh water taps every where...

Pos: here
Loc: Isla Stewart Bahia Escape
Acc: tent
Dist: 0 km

Another day in my little red prison…really, it feels like that, when you can’t go outside due to continuous rain all day. Not much use to camp in a beautiful spot, if you can’t see the next island across the channel…what would I do without my e-book?

Last night around 10 pm I heard the noise of a boat engine passing by, but couldn’t see anything in the rain. Still I was staring out of my tent like a shipwrecked person hoping for a boat to pick her up…

I might have been able to paddle a few hours last night, but with that continuous rain since yesterday, the start was not easy to decide. And – where to? After checking the possibilities to cross tomorrow, I decided to not paddle until the end of Isla Stewart, and to cross then 12-13 km to the next bigger island, as that end is already the start of the open sea and may be even more windy and choppy.

I rather paddle tomorrow across Bahia Escape, then follow the coast to a bigger island close to Isla Stewart, and will cross from there to the next one, maybe 3-4 km open channel water only, and even a bit protected by a few other ones toward the open sea. Then I’ll island-hop along tiny ones to the bigger group and hopefully be in a bit of more shelter then.

Just hoping the endless rain will give it a bit of a break to have a bit of view! This all-day rain is draining mentally and soaking the gear at the same time…

Not much to write, just that I’m reading already since weeks the many very entertaining adventure stories of a guy named Friedrich Gerstäcker in the 1850’s, traveling the world under much harder conditions than us modern travelers with weather forecasts and sat phone and internet. It was a series of books for download for free, really worth reading if you are into ancient German travel and hunting stories!

5 comments on “Sun 22/01-2012 Day 146

Freya – doing some island hopping will be good for you as even a bit of progress makes one feel better. Just finished “Fearless” and it would seem that rain and gloom are far better than crocs and great whites to deal with.

Keep it up!


Hi Freya, we follow you trip on Garmin’s Bluechart Americas. The area of Tierra del Fuego ist extremly imprecisely.

Doug Flux

Hi Freya, I ordered “Fearless” last Thursday from Amazon and I am looking forward to it arriving soon in NZ. I enjoy reading each of your updates both around Australia and South America. I hope the book can match the great style of your writing! Hope the rain stops for you.

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