Tue 12/03-2013 Day 420

[pe2-image src=”http://lh5.ggpht.com/-g4SFJzUWSgg/UUEwgRwGsxI/AAAAAAAAT10/RLLf3XpP4Bs/s144-c/P3111856.JPG” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/112133179186774955122/SouthAmericaSection2Stage13PanamaBoarderColombiaPacificToBoarderColombiaCaribbean#5855014321637470994″ caption=”Ursula, Joshua, Gabriela, Tim Hetherington and Hennie Marais at our family dinner” type=”image” alt=”P3111856.JPG” ]


Pos: here
Loc: Panama City
Acc: Hennie’s and Ursula’s house

No paddling tomorrow

Besides a lot of online work, repair jobs, a quick dip in the community pool and a visit to the hair dresser, not much happened today. No progress on the Canal thing. Press conference tomorrow at 2 pm!

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