Tue 13/03-2012 Day 197

One more nice rock camp

Pos: here
Loc: small island before Isla Huemules
Acc: tent
Dist: 42,3 km
Start: 8:10 End: 17:00

I couldn’t believe Karel’s first forecast for today – 15-20 knots headwinds…he corrected to around 10-15 knots, then updated to under 10 knots, but basically I was paddling all day into a solid 15 knots north wind funneling down this channel.

As here is still the strong tidal current in this channel until I will reach the next open Gulf, the strong headwind created steep up to one meter wind against tide waves in the following current. This made a wet, choppy and quite rough, but still reasonably fast ride with around 6 km/h. If I would have paddled close to the shore in the calm water, I would have been right in the almost equally strong eddy, which fortunately existed when the tide changed.

I was just about able to sneak eventually around the corner into the Canal Liucure to paddle inside the small island to the south and actually to be prepared to find a camp site. If I’d keep on going, there was another land spit waiting with probably strong current flowing around it. I now saw on the sat image there would have been probably another beach before it, but who knows if the eddy would have been constant?

I thought after this bumpy ride I could call it a day after 42,3 km. If this current would not be and if there would have been enough beaches I could paddle to the max of the day, but …yes, I’d like to be done soon and already have to look after my food to be on the safe side. I’m missing so much my daily fresh apple, at least, if not other fresh fruit and vegetables…soon again.

Does anyone know if there is a small supermercado at Puerto Aguierre? Or is it just nothing there?

I am camping on a huge white granite rock today, the tiny beach across looked too wild and not safe enough to stay dry. But on rock camping you mostly have to solidly pad your sleeping spot to have an even place. But will do for tonight…

I am aiming for the last caleta at Isla Traigen for tomorrow, as the wind should not be that heavy…hopefully…as long as I’m getting good sleep and not have again a heavily throbbing left index finger tip as last night which was quite painful 🙁

4 comments on “Tue 13/03-2012 Day 197

Jörg Hofferbert

Mach Dir keine Sorgen wegen des Zeigefingers. Sowas heilt. Selbst wenn dieser in dem ersten Fingerglied gebrochen sein sollte (ich vermute es geht – wie Du sagst – um die Fingerspitze). In spätestens 2 Wochen denkst Du nicht mehr darüber nach. Und falls es tagsüber schmerzt (sicher wirst Du das Paddel jetzt im Moment nur noch mit 4 Fingern halten können), hast Du ja in Hülle und Fülle kühles bis eiskaltes Wasser. Das lindert. Sollte der Finger hinter dem ersten Fingerglied was abbekommen haben, würde ich – wenn die Schwellung zurückgegangen ist – tapen.


leider kann man im Internet nicht sehen ob es in Pto. Aguirre Geschäfte gibt. Aber auf einem Foto sah man eines. Aber ich weiss nicht wie gross die Auswahl ist. Aber wenn es für dich kein Umweg ist, würde ich , wie Ken es dir vorschlägt, mal vorbei gucken. Ich weiss, dass der Skorpios dort auch jede Woche festmacht.Aber gross ist der Hafen nicht, würde es eher als ein Dorf bezeichnen. Aber es gibt dort Lachszucht, viele Fischer etc. Die müssen ja auch mal einkaufen, also etwas haben werden sie wohl.
Wünsche dir gutes Wetter und gutes Weiterkommen 🙂


On the internet there is a website in spanish indicating Puerto Aguirre is a village of ‘mil doscientos’ which I translate to population 1200. Its a stop for tourist boats. One picture shows a store on the same scale as what you saw in Puerto Williams. Its probably worth your while to visit… nothing to lose if its on your route.

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