Tue 17/04-2012 Day 232

The team of the Capitania de Puerto de Lebu hosting me - thanks very much!

Pos: here
Loc: Lebu
Acc: Navy Lebu
Dist: 0 km

I slept long, covering my eyes with my scarf and with earplugs. There is nothing like a good rest after a long paddling day and night!

The day was just rest, working online, chatting to the Navy guys about the next legs, and eating a lot.

The Port Captain paid his visit, pics were made, and the evening came too soon!

I’ll start tomorrow early, to reach Caleta Trama after about 55 km in last light.

Thanks to the Navy in Lebu for hosting me!


4 comments on “Tue 17/04-2012 Day 232

Atilio Macchiavello


¿Cuándo llegas a Valparaíso? A un grupo de amigos nos gustaría ir a recibirte.


Atilio Macchiavello


Wow your doing great Freya. rest well, practice compassion and have appreciation for all who help you. we are all interconnected in this beautiful and sometimes challenging universe.

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