Tue 18/09-2012 Day 272

It's a national holiday today in Chile!

Pos: here
Loc: Caldera
Acc: Club de Yachtes

Estimated landing: Caleta Obispo
Estimated starting time: Right after sunrise
Estimated landing time: Well before sunset

Another one of those torturous night…I really appreciate being hosted in a Yacht Club in civilization and even like Chilean music, but if the neighbors play it to the loudest again until 5 am, this falls under physical torture…I’m wondering if the third night will be the same. I am REALLY looking forward to being back on the beach somewhere tomorrow!

One day is too short for my usual city program, but two days are mostly too long. We got all things back in order, everything refilled, and Peter’s back of the hands are looking much better.

I was contacting some of the upcoming embassies to get things organized in the next countries Peru, Ecuador, Columbia and Panama.

Calders Club de Yates

The National Day was beautifully sunny, but very windy, so we were not too sorry not to be on the water. The promised big Yacht Club asado disappeared somewhere in the day’s activities, but we were not starving yet. Our gypsy camp in the empty room of the Yacht Club looks a bit wild, but we were cooking on our camp stove as usual. Peter even learned to screw on the gas burner properly after a few days ago he almost set our tent on fire with a deflagration of some gas coming out on the sides… but besides my a bit scorched fleece blanket fortunately nothing was seriously burnt.

2 comments on “Tue 18/09-2012 Day 272


Ja, die Chilenen können feiern und das ganze Tage lang. Hoffe, dass die letzte Nachte ruhiger war und Ihr nicht zu viele Cuecas und cumbias hören musstet 🙂
Weiterhin alles Gute.
Eure Bilder sind ganz toll

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