We are leaving home on August 17th!

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Peter and myself on a holiday in Ireland

The date is set, the tickets are bought: Peter and I will fly from Hamburg to Santiago on August 17th. Unfortunately Peter has to take a flight about three hours earlier than my own return flight from Santiago. But we will have enough time to spend together the next four month – on and off the water, 24 hours!


People look at such a trip as a tough test for any relationship, and yes, it is! But we know we will make it together, and will be still together after that first half on my second leg of the trip leg. The plan is to spend x-mas together at home with my son and mom who I had to move this summer to a nursery home in my own hometown Husum, as there may be not that many x-mas left to spend together…but my mom is now back to a reasonable shape for her 87-years, and is happy to be my occasional co-star in TV-shows or saying a word in the last radio interview :-). I will travel back to South America after a 2-3 weeks break, and continue the second half of my second leg by myself. Peter will be back to work…his own software-designing and consulting IT-company demands him to be back on the desk…


Peter’s main job on the trip will be – besides maintaining the technical side of my website and IT-side of the trip equipment – to take videos and pictures from some different point of views which I’m obviouslynot  able to do by myself. I even gave up taking videos – too much time to fiddle with editing and stuff…

Peter is not a professional video- or photographer, but with his IT-skills way more able to learn what needs to be done. And he has his share of time on the trip, when I’m writing my blog updates! He may occasionally also write the blog with his point of view of the trip.

Overall, my “new” old paddling partner will add a new dimension to my solo-trip. I don’t think it will make things easier or the paddling safer – as two people may also have double problems. But it will add a bunch of new experience and a lot of different new perspectives! And a lot of fun and good talks.

We will really start paddling after we receive our air-freighted kayaks, installed the rest of the electrical bilge pumps, got our permits from the Navy, went food-shopping and did this and that…so maybe in two weeks after the arrival! Then I’ll be back to my daily blogging!


5 comments on “We are leaving home on August 17th!


Freya, I’m glad you’re back again soon……I was a daily reader of your blog, and it will be interesting the couple paddling experience. Good Luck for you and Peter. Claudio (Argentina)


wie die Zeit rast ! Wünsche Dir und Peter eine gute Reise und viel Spass mit der Umrundung. Werde mit Freude Deinen oder Euren Blog lesen. Wir waren gerade 1 Woche in der dänischen Südsee, wo wir viele Paddler aus Seeland getroffen haben.Beim Klönschnack abends kam das Thema auf Dich und Deine Umrundung, einer der Paddler hat Deinen Blog aus Australien täglich gelesen ( aber nicht den jetzigen).Ich erzählte von Deiner bisherigen Tour und glaube, dass Dein Blog jetzt paar Leser mehr haben wird. Viele kannten Dich, da Du einen Vortrag in Kopenhagen gehalten hast. Ich sollte Dich recht herzlich grüssen.
Freya viel Spass und liebe Grüsse auch von meiner Mutter, hilsen an Peter

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