Wed 11/01-2012 Day 135

Atilio working to improve the patches on my kayak

Pos: here
Loc: Ushuaia
Acc: Atilio and Eva’s house
Dist: 0 km

A long sleep, then there was a date at the Prefectura at 10 am for more talk with the boss, and for two TV interviews.

The afternoon, Atilio was sanding my bad old kayak repairs with his machine, and then we put some better epoxy resin patches on the broken spots. Hope it dries out tomorrow, with the kayak hung on the ceiling of the living room again. The dripping epoxy was some sticky rain…

Atilio and Eva's sweet kids, Camilla, Nicolas and Josefina, with my freshly patched kayak hung on the ceiling of the living room

We had salmon and mashed potatoes plus some online ordered ice cream (how modern…!) for dinner, thanks to Eva cooking! And in between the day’s activities, I was calling my family, editing and uploading pictures (not finished yet!) and I noticed that the 9th of January blog entry was posted only half…you may want  another read of that day.

So, city business as usual…now it looks like Saturday will be the day to leave here with easy winds.

Thanks a lot for Atilio’s help on the boat and driving me around, and for Eva and the kids being so pleasant to stay with in a nice family’s home!

3 comments on “Wed 11/01-2012 Day 135

Meike Michalik

Freya, das sind mal wieder wunderschöne Bilder. Die Landschaft wird nur noch , noch schöner !! Warte ab bis du in der Fjordlandschaft bist und an den Gletschern vorbei paddelst , … 🙂 Solltest du in Pta . Arenas (oder etwas nördlicher, vielleich Pto. Natales) an einem Passagierschiff namens Skorpios vorbei kommen , grüsse den Kapitän (Luis Kochifas) von mir. Ich weiss, dass sie im Süden mit Touristen zu den Gletschern fahren. Weiter im Norden bieten sie Seereisen von Pto. Montt zur Laguna de San Rafael an. Geniesse es, vielleicht verstehst du warum ich Chile die Heimat meines Herzens nenne 🙂
Denke an dich

Chuck H.

With Freya now about half-way through the first leg of her “Second Continent”, it’s a good time to reflect on what makes this expedition work. Freya’s own extraordinary determination, courage and skill comes first. There’s a whole lot of help from people along the way: Alejandro Daniel Carranza, the Argentine Prefectura, the Chilean Navy and many others. Some equipment is provided by sponsors. But the rest, plus travel, shipping, food and other consumables comes out of Freya’s own pocket.

But, we can play a part, too. If, like me, you’re inspired and educated by Freya’s voyage, and her amazingly informative blog, try chipping in a bit to help her along the way. The “Donate” button on the right makes it quick and easy to contribute via PayPal or a credit card. It’s a great way to play a personal role in this great adventure!

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