Wed 12/10-2011 Day 44

I could sit there for hours and watch them...

Pos: here
Loc: Punta Durazno Chico
Acc: tent
Dist: 0 km

I decided not to paddle today, though it was very much possible. The forecast was 15-20 knots north all day, which simply did not happen. It was reasonable calm all day around 10 knots, with low seas. Maybe after 4 pm until now it breezed up a bit with a bit rougher seas, but nothing serious.

My private cliff camp bay, seals in the background

But I woke to nice sounding rain on my tent – it sounds nice if you are warm and dry in your sleeping bag! This makes decisions to stay much easier …

Mummy's tummy is the best place to cuddle!

I am to receive that parcel from Alejandro to Rawson, which would arrive on Friday. Means tomorrow will be very low winds winds where I can better cover the rest of the remaining distance to Rawson/ Playa Union of only 40 km, and Friday will be strong headwinds again where I have a day off anyway. That was the decision making process! And another turn around in my sleeping bag was feeling so nice…

...he's scratching his hand...

I spent the day off, which was actually gray and ugly and rainy, with usual things like sleeping a lot, a short walk, organizing my gear, watching the elephant seals…nothing special.

Elephant seal's family life

But it is so nice to sit dry and warm in the tent on such a day, barely having a window open, and watching the seals fishing right behind the dumper! I am always envisioning those are crocodiles…but they are only harmless seals. A few black and white dolphins, a spouting whale way offshore, that was the day! You are getting used to the most exciting wildlife if you are around it all day…

A group of elephant seals on the beach

The good news today were that my sponsor epic kayaks sent quickly a few spare rudder fins to Buenos Aires which will already be in that parcel arriving for me on Friday! Thanks to epic to be that fast! Though I’m quite sure I won’t need them now any more…hopefully. But it’s good to be on the safe side.

Not sure if the water in the pool was from rain or from the at that time not working pump on the wheel

My sore lip is getting better, and I’m really very much looking forward to the next week’s paddle along bays and headlands and rocky shore line! That is so much nice than endless sandy beaches with more or less surf lines to go through…

The well had some water deep down there!

2 comments on “Wed 12/10-2011 Day 44


Hola Freya acabo de leer en el dia de hoy, usa manteca de cacao para tus labios, todo el tiempo no dejes que se sequen usalo hasta para dormir que esten bien alegra que esten bien y espero que saques muchas fotos, si volves al balneaario el condor rio negro visitame, estoy en el polirubro SABBATELLA pregunta a cualquier persona que nos conocen todos. me llamo PATRICIA.
un beso


Glad to hear you’re getting some rest Freya. I can’t wait to see your photos thus far of your journey! -are the “black and white dolphins” you mention, Porpoises???

Good luck and be well!!

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