I’m back home! Some dumper launching pics…

Photo 1 by Mary Kirk-Anderson 

I made it safely back home: several uneventful flights and no extra charge for surplus weight…plus low shipping fees for m kayak…lucky gal!

What a difference it is to return home to winter! Cold, grey skies and short days…but I like the seasons so there is no time to be sad…

I’ve been busy since my return with buisiness meetings, checking on my shops, answering e-mails, phoning friends and editing all of my many pics !

The write-up of the trip is waiting, besides a pile of bills, newspapers, three months of accounting…and so on…

And I do want to spend some quality time with my family, too!

Anyway, I’ve got now the full set of four pics of that exciting East Coast launching.

Please check for the full set of pics on my New Zealand website!

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