Fri 20/02-2015 Day 787

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”My beach camp where I had a sick day” type=”image” alt=”IMG_1491.JPG” ]


Highlights: Good recovery
Lowlights: Feeling sick to have a day off
Loc: beach behind Guarau
Acc: tent

I slept until 9 am, when the first friendly park guard came to have a look at me and I told him I was sick and needed to stay a day here. Sure, no problem! I kept on sleeping, at 12 h the other guard came also to check on me.I must have looked also sick,as I think he was offering me some medicine,but all I needed was sleep.

With some reading sessions, in between, I felt I got better again, was drinking a lot of water, was eating enough, and am sure I can keep ongoing tomorrow!

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