Got my kayaks!!! Thank goodness…

I'm glad to have my babys back!

I was dropping my two epic 18x sport kayaks in Hamburg at the cargo terminal on Friday 2 pm, the same day I flew off myself. They got transported by truck to Amsterdam, and then on a cargo flight directly to Buenos Aires.

It was working all fine – besides the 2900 € I had to pay myself for both kayaks for the airfreight…unfortunately my boat sponsor epic kayaks was not able to deliver my new babys earlier to my home to outfit them, and to be still able to ship them cheaper with a container on the sea.

One kayak arrived about 4 weeks before I left, one three days before my departure…at 3.45 am on Tuesday 9th Boyan dropped the last one on my doorstep. Thanks to Boyan for the last minute effort – and thanks to epic kayaks to provide me the boats!

The Argentinan customs checking the contents of those strange parcels...

Alejandro and I drove with quite mixed emotions to the airport cargo terminal, as we were both not sure what to expect…will the boats be without damage? Will the customs let us go with “importing” two brandnew boats for private use?

The trick was to ship it from my own name and adress to my own name and adress, to make sure it is handled as personal travel (oversized) luggage for private use, and not as an import of goods. But first, the customs boss didn’t believe me…I gave him my website, a nice female smile and a few of my cards, handsigned, and he was content with me telling the truth!

The customs guys sliced the parcels open on the spot “to search for drugs” as they said – but they neither opened the hatches, nor the cockpit, nor did they have drug dogs sniffing around anywhere…they probably thought I would be riding on top of a surfboard around South America and the damn thing isn’t hollow…but they were allright, I’ll do it drug-free! 🙂

We found unfortunately a small gelcoat damage close to the cockpit from a hard hit on one boat, and I thought at the airport my second baby really got away without being busted…

But at home, I found actually three spots on the seam line with some cracking! F… the cargo handlers..they probably have dropped it from somewhere. But it seems like it is repairable with some effort and love, and the seam is solidly built enough not to have split the whole kayak into halves. Shipping in a wooden cradle in a container is better for the kayaks than airfreight! But it could have been worse…

Alejandro ties carefully the kayaks to his new THULE roof rack - now barely wrapped again by the custom's tape

They got roughly wrapped again and taped, and we did a good tiedown job on the new THULE roof rack – thanks to THULE Argentina to provide Alejandro the new rack!

Then the scary ride through the crazy Buenos Aires traffic…I’m as usually most worried about my kayak on the roof of a friendly host driving me to his home! But we arrived allright.

my two epic 18x sport kayaks ready to go - almost.

This is how they have left my home – all epic kayaks travel in style in their own bags. I wrapped them solidly in a thin layer of closed cell foam (cheap sleeping pads actually…), plus two layers of bubble wrap. Looked solid and good…but doesn’t help against dropping…



7 comments on “Got my kayaks!!! Thank goodness…

Sven, Bettina und Ole

Hallo Freya,

gut dass Deine Boote ebenso heil am Start angekommen sind wie Du – was wir auch für den Zieleinlauf hoffen …

A propos “heil”: den Wassermacher habe ich gleich am Mittwoch mit einem Liter frischer Ostsee ausprobiert – schmeckt langweilig, so ohne Salz, funktioniert also tadellos. In gut zwei Wochen wollen wir ihn in Dänemark das erste Mal “unter Echtbedingungen” ausprobieren.

Alles Gute für die Tour,

Edgar López

Hola Freya!. Que bueno que ya tienes tus kayaks contigo. aqui en Venezuela estamos pendientes de todos tus preparativos para esa gran odisea que vas a realizar de dar la vuelta a nuestro continente en kayak. Por favor avisanos que planes tienes para cuando pases por Venezuela para acompañarte y darte la bienvenida que te mereces. Saludos. Nos vemos en el agua!

Laura Jager

I’m so happy your kayaks arrived on time for you. Hopefully the damage will not be too bad.

I enjoy reading your blog and am excited about your upcoming trip around South American. Thank you for blogging in English. I wish I spoke German, as that is my family’s heritage. Perhaps, I’ll pick up a few words here and there. Good Luck!!! Love the photos too. Keep us posted. Thank you.


erst einmal vielen Dank für das nette Gespräch neulich bei Dir in Husum.
Das Team Lexus Forum Kiel wünscht Dir alles Gute für den Abschnitt 1.
Sind schon ganz gespannt auf die Berichte in den kommenden Wochen.
Weiter freuen wir uns jetzt schon riesig auf Deinen Besuch/ Vortrag im kommenden Jahr bei uns im Lexus Forum in Kiel.
Viele Grüße aus Kiel, Ralf Rademacher

Chuck Haberlein

The boats look great (and the red boat bag is super neat … much nicer than my 18XS’s boring grey one!). I hope the customs officers appreciated your show of affection.

BTW, your tale reminds me of an old story about a 1880s U.S. Secretary of the Navy (like most other countries’ Navy Ministers, and the British First Lord of the Admiralty) who, on being taken below during his first warship visit, exclaimed: “Well, I’ll be damned! The durned thing’s hollow!”. So, the Argentine customs guys are in good company.

harry jauernick

ich wünsche dir auf deinen weiteren excursionen und abenteuern in der welt alles erdenklich gute…gruss harry ein freund aus alten tagen aus kiel.

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